Auto Nesting
Several objects with various shapes and sizes can be arranged in a selected shape to save material.
Menu【Transform > Auto Nesting】 Transform Bar

1. Select all the objects.
2. Click Menu【Transform > Auto Nesting】.
3. The cursor changes into .
4. Pick the shape of stock.
5. Set the Parameters.
6. Click OK button.
Precision: the precision of auto nesting.
Kerf Width: the width of kerf which equal to tool diameter
Clearance: you can set remain which is the shortest distance between the original part and part after machining. (Do not set the value too small; otherwise the material can not be machined properly.)
Step Angle: After setting step angle, objects will be automatically rotated according to the angle
Iteration count: the more iteration count you set, the better effort you will get .otherwise increase iteration count, and you will spent more time to calculate it.
Mirror: some objects can be automatically mirrored to save the material during auto nesting.
In hole nest: some objects can be automatically nest in hole
Keep old: keep old object after nesting
Create the remnant: creates the remnant plate and cutting line.
1.Text string can upgroup to char for nesting
2.the software can automatically avoid the parts in the stock. for example:
Before nesting: there are 4 rectangles in the stock.

After Nesting: